Video 6
7. Mandukya Upanishad | Chapter 1 Mantra 7 - Part 1
oome Bagram Karen Abishai new Yama Deva Bagram Pasha moksha here yatra here our anger is touched of our gums Astana ve v Ashima deva he Tejada Yahoo sauce Pina intro British ahaha sauce Tina Bhushan Vishwa Vida Sistina Stock Show Irish Tony me thirsty nobly hospital the turtle own Shanti Shanti Shanti so today we'll do the seventh mantra and here we are you are we have reached it the climax it's the smallest of the Upanishads twelve mantras only and in the Indies twelve mantras the most important one is the seventh mantra which we are going to do now in fact in all of open-ended literature probably the seventh month of the Mundaka Upanishad is the most important and that's what we are going to study today in fact in this very in this text what follows after this seventh month or the other mantras and the caracals they are they will discuss you remember Ankara which are an analysis of the ohm and then what will follow is after the afterwards three more chapters three more chapters this is the first chapter you know Manduca Khaliq has four chapters so three more chapters are basically discussion of this mantra and there it's basically the discussion of the teaching given in this mantra so this is really the the high point of the monocoque Erica and of Vedanta would shed weight of event let's chant the mantra together seventh mantra and then we will discuss it none tough drug gum okay well I'll chant and you follow me non-top ragam now by his problem no by a tough problem [Music] nopprage on aghanim 'no problem no problem uh Tristram of java Harlem agraja m-- election 'm atheneum abjure petition ekata Preity asaram prop enjoy Pasha mam santim Shiva motto items yattaman ENT so Atma so Vijay so the teaching is I just quickly translate and then we will go into the discussion they consider the fourth to be that which is not conscious of the internal world nor conscious of the external world nor conscious of both the worlds not a massive consciousness nor conch not okay not conscious nor unconscious it's not a very nice translation anyway now our unconscious which is unseen beyond empirical dealings beyond the grasp of the organs of action unenviable unthinkable indescribable whose valid proof consists in the single belief in the self again not a nice translation anyway I'll tell you about it in which all phenomena cease and which is unchanging auspicious and non dual that is the self and that is to be known all right let's take a look at what we have here by the way each time I draw a diagram but remember it's it looks different but it's basically the same thing that I'm trying to tell you in when I draw it a little differently what I'd like to do is before we go into a discussion of the seventh mantra to lead into the discussion we need to know a few things which I will present in the form of eight points no less the first point is I simply a look at where we are right now before we go into this a real recap a review if you will so this diagram I will present what what have we got so far what does the Manduca open shop told us so far mondo pony show do you know it begins with two kinds of inquiries and inquiry into the self autumn of each other and enquiry into ohm and first the enquiry into the set self is taken up which is which is what we are doing now what was the enquiry into the self it started off in this way the self has four aspects shahtoosh padma three of the aspects they've discussed the first aspect is the waking and the self in its what is called the gross aspect is let's put it this way aspect and nor gnome and state so the first statement the self has four aspects and the rest of the opposition is the risk of discussion of the four aspects of the self by knowing this we are supposed to get the liberating knowledge now the first aspect is the the in in sanskrit stool which means gross the gross what do you mean gross is this physical world when you the self you appear clothed in a body experiencing a physical world through the senses the consciousness is directed outward through the senses we see things outside we hear things external sounds we smell and touch and taste and think about the world so this is your in you are inhabiting an external world a physical world experienced through the senses and then the second aspect was the sukshma this subtle where is the self in its subtle aspect you know now in dreams remember all this analysis is taking place in which which state in the waking State from this point of view today right now you're sitting here in the chair in this waking State and reading the book and thinking about all of this so when you think back to your dreams what what for how would you describe your dreams well you would say it was all in the mind you would say it's all in the mind right I was sleeping it seemed real at that time but now I know it's not real it is not physical it was something imagined in the mind that's called a dream and I was there too I either self you you were there in your dream definitely and that's called a subtle aspect of the self because it was all mind and then there is one more aspect in Sanskrit garen art one which is causal where is this found this is found in deep sleep why is this called causal because they have a different way of looking at deep sleep can you imagine deep sleep as the cause as thus cosmic source source as the cause of the subtle and the cross because if you look at it from that point of view everything seems to come out of deep sleep in the darkness of deep sleep nothing is distinguishable then you have dreams and waking and then you go back to sleep again and so everything seems to be arising from that from that point of view the deep sleep is called the causal another reason why the deep sleep is called the causal is because all these differences in the waking state all the things that you see in dreams all of them are as if merged into a blankness into a mass of nothingness it's all covered in darkness in deep sleep so all differences are resolved merged in deep sleep state now one way of looking at cause the material out of which things are found is the effects are usually merged back in the cause where do the waves go get to the shore not quite they go back into the water they've come from where does a wave you know when the parts are destroyed to go back to the earth it's not literally true you know once you've made a pot it doesn't quite go back to the earth in fact one of the most long-lasting things that human beings have ever made in history are thoughts because what do you find when they excavate ancient sites but they haven't quite gone back to the earth anyway why I say I'm saying this is in India few years ago we had a railway minister so one of the ideas brilliant ideas was that to prevent people from littering the countryside with tea cups and coffee cups and all of that you know I'd have made a plastic or paper and people just drink and throw it away instead of putting it in the trash and so the whole sometimes by the sides of the railway lines you'll find litter so instead of doing that let's have only urgent cups which are very popular in India made of clay clay pots for tea so if you even if you throw it of it you go back to the earth except that it doesn't it doesn't look as bad as if it if you two paper cups or plastic cups but still they will not merge back into the earth anyhow but the idea is effects go back to their causes so in one sense it looks like the waking world of the dream world from your subjective experience has gone back into the darkness of deep sleep so it's you can call it the causal state or causal aspect of the self the self has so these are the three aspects the gross stool the subtle sukshma the causal karana aspects and the fourth one is the self itself which is consciousness so it is the self your real self which appears with a gross name and form which subtle names and forms with all names and forms merged these are the three ways in which you experience the self in each you will find there is a known and unknown a pair a subject and an object an individual and a totality here the knower and the known in sanskrit pramatta premium so in the in the gross aspect you will find the no.1 and unknown who are the wilson over here we'll call him the Waker him or her the Waker and what is the known here the making universe remember one good way of learning vedantist come always check it off against during your experience they will just narrate what you experience sometimes it may seem a little strange because we are narrating it in a different way giving it more a different way of explaining it but they are not talking about anything out of our experience we are not talking about anything that you have to believe take it on faith no generally not so the Waker and the waking universe here I am the knower of the waking state I and here is my knowable the waking universe and where is this found in what state in the waking state in Sanskrit jagrata Wistar state means our stuff no one no one Sanskrit will be promote a premier aspect is father father means forefathers for four aspects so in the waking state you will find yourself associated with the physical body experiencing a physical reality through sense organs and you are the Waker in Sanskrit the Vishwa and waking universe in Sanskrit jagrip prop injure or jagat geographer furniture okay so far and where did we find this in which mantra mantra number four three mantra number three jaggery Tostan Oh bah he spread the waking the making a state where the consciousness is externalized it's a description of this this line has just summarized mantra number three the third mantra then the subtle aspect of the self there there is a known and unknown universe you are in the subtle aspect you are the dreamer dreamer means not the person who is lying down in bed and dreaming but the person in the dream you are in your own dream hmm the person the buy of the girl who is dreaming you are in the oh you don't your own dream that's the person dreamer and that dreamer experiences a dream universe a dream universe dream universe and where is this found where do you find these things in the in the Dreaming state in the dream state and where value wherever taking this information from this is from the fourth mantra mantra for sickness can interpret that mantra which describes the dream state what is basically in the dream state the dream state is where you are having lots of experiences you are there and there's a world which you are experiencing people and even skip happening in that and the whole state is called the dream state and from which you wake up later on this whole thing you the dreamer and the dream universe together is called the subtle aspect of the self notice one thing we normally think of the self as I am the self and this is not the self I am the self and the subject this is the object is not me I not i but look at what the open Ishod has done very interestingly from the very beginning itself it says the eye and the knot I both all together are in the experience of the self in the waking state it basically from the open it point of view even before you go to the fourth here itself right now itself it recommends looking at this entire universe as yourself this recommends it highly recommended that I am this is the knower and this is the knowable universe and both are appearing in one awareness which is me and that is the gross aspect of the self subtle aspect of the self and similarly the causal aspect of the self where you are the sleeper and instead of saying sleep universe it's you can say sleep universe for the sake of symmetry but it's not a universe it's everything is merged let's call it the merged universe if you say what what do you mean the merged universe I don't see any kind of merge universe in deep sleep what do you see in deep sleep blackness darkness hmm no differentiation come come come sit no differentiation at all that's what the open assured looks at it in that way imagine this room I've given this example earlier imagine this room suddenly plunged into darkness all lights which stuff curtains drawn and you can't see anything or instead of all that trouble just close your eyes so you can't see anything and it means all the differences are there but they're shrouded in darkness in the same way in deep sleep all the differences are merged sort of if what difference is the different things that you saw in the waking universe and different things that you saw in your dreams it's like they are there baby but you can't experience any of it they are all merged in ignorance it's basically the varied we have deep sleep it's a new way of describing it so it's the merged universe let's say all the resolved universe or the all differences erased temporarily and where do you find such an experience in deep sleep in deep sleep which mantra talked about this mantras five and six five and six now see what we have we have got so far we have got this very self the self is supposed to have four aspects and the four aspects are spoken about in the gross aspect certain aspect causal aspect stool of sukshma karana Atma and that my itself is supposed to be the fourth aspect which we shall so talk we have not talked about it yet there are mantras four or three four five and six spoke about this what did they tell us the Waker vishwa experiences the universe Jagat world what you are experiencing through five senses and it's available in the waking state jagrata hasta the dreamer experiences a dream world which is of course a creation in the mind of the Waker I mean when that guy goes to sleep the dreams of the whole world but still in the dream itself you are an individual and you have a world which you experience and that is available in what which state dream swapna hasta what are you called during sanskrit tai Jessa and this dream world is Swapna proppant dream world karana the causal self is experienced in deep sleep sushupti hasta and there also you have to though it does not seem to be true because you don't have a mind to distinguish a think about it's only when you wake up you say I slept and what did you experience what kind of universe not awaking universe not a dream universe a kind of merged universe everything all difference is resolved so and that we talked about in the fifth and sixth mantras now we are ready to go into the seventh mantra which will talk about the fourth aspect of the self don't get confused seventh mantra fourth aspect four aspects of the self jitesh padma one two three and four all right here is the point I want to make point I said eight points I'm going to make eight points is the further up after all of all of this the point I'm going to make this is the first point the recapitulation of what we did now now the second point I want to make what is special about this seventh mantra about the fourth aspect of the self remember why we are doing all of this to get self-knowledge what good is self-knowledge to get that self-knowledge which will lead to liberation what do you mean by liberation liberation from suffering attainment of bliss that's the that's the selling point of Advaita Vedanta of spirituality it will take you beyond suffering it liberates you from samsara so this knowledge is supposed to come from the analysis of the self the open assured says by self-knowledge you will get it at McDonough self-knowledge now the point I want to make point number two is this when the open assured says self-knowledge it means knowledge of the fourth aspect it does not mean what we have done so far you might think oh we've been wasting our time so far why didn't you get down straight to it if I went down straight to it if I started off by saying neither waking not sleeping nor deep sleep beyond thought beyond language pure consciousness what are you talking about now when I say it will make sense in contrast to what we know you see these are all aspects of the self and openly should just pointed these out this is not the teaching of the Upanishads the Vedanta teaching of the open issue has not started yet it's going to start today what was all this you don't you know all this it was just you you what you we all experience do we not wake the are awake hopefully do we not dream we do do we not sleep we do it was just a narration of how we have experienced life till now and it says how your experience life till now can be broadly described in three ways three aspects none of which is going to liberate you why not you have been experiencing it till now you know it has it liberated you being the Waker has not liberated you being that's the dreamer is not dreaming has not liberated and sleeping certain years not liberated you you're not enlightened yet how many times have you woken and dreamt and slept thousands and thousands of times not yet and yet once you understand grasp this they say it's a crib in a flash you are liberated from samsara liberation from samsara means liberation from the waking dreaming deep sleep universes though you'll only be in that but you'll be free of it you will not suffer anymore you will attain the Bliss that is promised in Vedanta and that is attained by knowledge of the fourth aspect which is now going to be talked about so now we have a deeper clearer understanding of what is meant by self-knowledge in the open Isha's self-knowledge in the open issues not what you know kids here they say I'm dropping out of college why to that gas through the looks of parents I'm going to discover myself that not that kind of self-knowledge I'm going on a backpacking trip to the Himalayas or something to discover not that kind of self-knowledge or I'm going to give up my medicine degree to paint or play the guitar not that kind of self-knowledge this self-knowledge is the one which the fourth aspect of the self which underlies the three the three that we know so the liberating knowledge of the self is the seventh mantra which we are now ready to investigate ready to receive that's point number three to point number two of what a segue into the seventh mantra point number three is I would like to correct possibly what might be called a fatal error lot of people make it a deep misconception which even people who should know better in Vedanta who have been studying they make it and there is it has come into usage also certain terms which are meaningless you see the nature of the error is this I am warning you in advance so that we don't fall into that particular the nature of the error is this let me introduce a turn first to RIA I've always been calling it the C the Big C consciousness this today I will call it the Turia m-- why because this is the word actually more commonly used for the self in the real self in the man dukhia and it's a well-known term in vedanta Torian and the Swami toriana - Liam Liam what does it mean it means nothing other than for it just means the fourth literally - Liam means the fourth it's not a term that the opposition itself uses the open Ishod uses the term Chatham which means forth but Margo dupatta introduces - Liam and which has become popular so - reom the fourth the real self what does it mean the fourth aspect why should I care whether its fourth or fifth or sixth or whatever it's the real self it's a real you it's the answer to the question what am I so this - reom we are trying to know that realize what it is before that let me give you an example it just occurred to me yesterday it's cloudy and you looked at the Sun Sun Sun barely peeped out in the afternoon and it was small and milky and pale right and I thought that's not really the Sun you know it's just my perspective it's covered by clouds and I am millions and millions of miles away so the distance and the perspective and the clouds and atmosphere they all make the Sun look like that it's not really the what the Sun looks like even now it's bright daylight when you go out what do you see the Sun is about a bright ball of light about this big about this big but is that what the Sun really is no not really if you go to the Sun the Sun from its own perspective is a vast ball of nuclear fire it's a mug and if nuclear fusion going on for millions and millions of years tremendously powerful that just aside Stephen Hawking passed away yeah and you all know that yes so the Sun in itself is quite different from the way we see it even on a bright day quite different from the way you see it on a cloudy day and at night and at night how do you see the Sun you see you don't it's dark but what is the Sun then has the Sun gone dark really from its own perspective it's exactly the same so whether you see it as a bright ball of fire this big or whether you see it as a tiny pale disk or either you don't see it at night you see where I'm leading with this bright ball of fire here pale smoky disk here don't see it at all here in all three cases the Sun is exactly the same a vast mass of new tremendous brilliance burning bright for millions and billions of years in nuclear fusion so that's what the Sun is that's what you are whether in waking dreaming or deep sleep no matter how different it seems can come yeah this please yeah just this example now what is the what is the misconception what I'm going to tell you now is not correct but it's many people think that they think that look where do you find the Waker the first aspect of the self in which state waking state the first aspect is found in the waking state the Waker wish you were in the wake and waking state right now where do you find yourself as ty Jessa the dreamer dream state the second state where do you find yourself as the deep sleeper only after waking up you think about it so where were you sleeping what state deep sleep state broad broad Ghia the Sanskrit word for the deep sleeper and hence since the first aspect is available in the waking state and the second aspect is available in the second state dream state the third aspect is available in deep sleep sleep state jagrata swapna hasta sushupti hasta therefore it follows the fourth aspect should be available in a fourth state let's call it the Turia hasta Souter iam should be available in the to do esta no that's a wrong idea this the wrong idea take the Sun example that I gave you when in the daytime you see a small brilliant ball of fire at that time what is the Sun is it like that or this vast the vast thing which is the Sun when you see a milky Sun covered by clouds small at that time as the Sun change no at night when we don't from our perspective when we don't see the Sun at all has the Sun become dark no so whatever condition the Sun is the same in the same way it's like saying you know that come come it's like saying that gold the example I'll give you a little later Gold which is found in a golden bracelet in a golden necklace and in the golden ring suppose three kinds of ornaments so a youthful the bracelet is one form the necklace is another form and the ring is another form and if somebody comes and tells you now the fourth aspect is gold now if you start looking for one more ornament called gold you will miss it you will you are you're mistaken right somebody told you there is a necklace there is a bangle a mother or a bracelet and a ring and there is something called real called gold where would you look for that gold you look in those very ornaments to find the gold you would not look for a new ornament called a gold-card gold you'll never find such a thing in the same way when you are told that there is a fourth aspect to reom immediate thing is and lot of people have made this mistake is that there must be a fourth state it's like thinking that gold is a new or Gold is not a new ornament it's the reality of the three ornaments which were presented to you the torre 'm is not a new aspect it is the reality of the three aspects which we continuously experience is that part clear clear the consequences of this error you will not make the error anymore in general the error is not not a serious problem but when you want to understand mundo coupe initial when you want to understand the essence of the teachings of Vedanta it can be a serious stumbling block why is it a serious stumbling block the moment you think that there is a fourth state where the Trillium is available fourth state and they have even invented a term to Dr Starr the fourth state when you think like that and people write about it also and sometimes in the scriptures also you find in some texts later texts you find to do other stuff remember there there's a reason why they have said that I'll mention it later but first let's deal with the fatal error the moment you think that there is a Turia avasta the serious problem will be if Waker is available in waking dreamer is in dream sleeper in deep sleep the Turia will be available interior state fourth state which means today is not available now not available in dream not available in deep sleep right most seriously koream is not available now in the waking where are we doing wadn't in the waking hence they will say that okay now you have got this idea you have to go into the fourth state which is a separate state and find the real self datoria and then they will go further to link it to that state is the nirvikalpa samadhi it will not help to sit in class in the Vedanta society with your books open eyes open no you have to close your eyes not fall asleep not to dream but go into a deep meditative state called the fourth state some people are nodding no don't not this is this is wrong what I'm saying is wrong it's it's a nice selling point it's available and the first state that you will attain through esoteric meditation practices and then you will be realized no no no you have forever shut the doors to enlightenment the door to enlightenment is we're here here here but in the end all three in the waking dreaming and deep sleep in all states but specifically in the waking Y in the waking because here your faculties are fully active and your intellect is fully active your Faculty of understanding is fully active any kind of analysis thinking meditation whatever you want to do you have to do it here so the doorway to enlightenment is in this first state in all these three states you don't have to look for a separate state this is the nature of the error don't think about a separate state I'll come to you having thought about a separate state having linked it to various kinds of ecstatic states some are these so so they say that now you have read about it in Manduca class now you should chase those try to develop those remember Vedanta is not against trances Vedanta is not against samajis Vedanta is not against visions extraordinary states of awareness we don't is not against that what Vedanta is saying that that though that is not necessary for realizing Torian if you have ordinary states like waking dreaming and sleeping dorium is the light behind all of them and if you have extraordinary states Vedanta says perfectly possible you cultivate a certain kind of yoga why you cultivate Buc the intense bhakti love Krishna like Meera you will get a vision of Krishna what Vedanta says is that is also to reom even that experience is lit up by Torian see those are experiences that is not the ultimate reality what is the proof they come and go the vision of Krishna which Meera had is it there right now for you no is to reom there right now yes was it there earlier before you came to me down to class yes will it be there it could come to know if you I mean make no further progress in vedantic after this with to Liam would you still be that to Liam of course makes no difference it's always there yes can you be enlightened in a dream technically possible but then what is the you have to ask yourself what is the barrier to realizing myself as the fourth state as the fourth aspect of in the self you see right now what do we think of ourselves as the first aspect waker that's what we think of ourselves right now most people think about themselves as this one now how why are they unable to realize ourselves as the fourth the answer given in Vedanta is because of ignorance Organa we are not aware of it we do not understand it we do not grasp it we are unable to shift our paradigm our worldview that to that that point now how do you shift it all ignorant is removed by knowledge ignorance about the self will be removed by self-knowledge right so self-knowledge comes from where are you following me step by step self-knowledge comes from where from from using the intellect to grasp the teachings of no Venetian which guides you step by step to self-knowledge right and where is that possible how can invade Iran to society so how can you come to the veil and to society usually in the waking state you need that knowledge to be transmitted the teacher transmits that knowledge from the text to you right if you in a dream what would happen in a dream basically it's this mind itself which is generating a world so any teaching that you would get in the dream would be teaching by your own mind if the mind already possesses that knowledge then you would already be enlightened in the waking state so ignorant mind conjuring a dream and giving teachings to you in a dream the the mind itself conjures up a Guru and the disciple both of which you it's the same mind no ignorant mind conjures up an enlightened guru or girl ignorant guru ignorant guru it will not give you a knowledge at that time that knowledge has to come in the waking State it has to come from the Upanishads transmitted by a teacher in the waking State and you make a breakthrough in the waking State afterwards you can apply as much meditation you need to assimilate that knowledge but it is true that even in the dream state that knowledge will ultimately manifest having said this let me add one more thing is spiritual progress possible in the dream state it is possible in some sense because we you hear of people getting mantra diksha in the dream so how many stories are there mantra diksha in the dream state initiation into a mantra visions of gods and goddesses a vision of your spiritual master whom you will maybe meet later on in life you get it in dream stage so those are possible but here we are talking of something far beyond religion also I think it's beyond that only whose preliminaries you find in conventional religious gurus and mantras and forms of God and beliefs and meditation practices all of that is preliminary to this this is the conclusion the the the peak of the Everest so that was point number three that the correction of a possible error I've corrected it before it happened so don't speak about 2d of a star and going into this ecstasy or that trance not relevant here no they are the opening shot speaks about Tony August are the opening shot speaks about waking state dream state deep sleep state it never speaks about to the estate no it just speaks about the fourth aspect of yourself which is the real aspect let me introduce you to the fifth point which is just an example I have used this example many times golden bracelet golden necklace golden ring golden bracelet like the waking experience golden necklace like the dream experience golden ring like the deep sleep experience all right and then somebody comes and tells you the reality is not bracelet necklace ring the reality is gold where will you look for gold there's a the teacher tells you Gold is not it's different from the necklace it's different from the bracelet it's different from the ring one okay then I'd start going of it look for it no wait it is in the neighbor bracelet in the ring in the necklace in and through the bracelet ring necklace yet different from them as far as gold and ornaments are concerned we all understand what we are talking about isn't gold in some sense different from the ornament no in one since it is because before it was a bracelet it was still gold when you melt it and make it into a ring is it still gold or not so the bracelet does not continue the gold continues so the gold must be in some sense different from the on it's the material out of which the ornament is made the gold is different from the ornament the ornament is a name a farm and a use what is a bracelet it's a name given to what gold it's a form given to what gold it's a use given to what to the golden ornament so names forms and uses change but the material the substance what you are paying for what you weigh that continues throughout this is the point to understand in point number three in this example gold is available in which ornament all three what continues gold what comes and goes ornament names forms uses similarly Toria the real self the real you is available in which state all three states which which of the aspects of the self is the Toria all of them but the Torian no does it make sense to say Turia is not the Waker not the dreamer not the deep sleeper and yet Turia is in and through waker dreamer and deep sleeper right gold is not a necklace in itself gourd is not a bracelet and it said if it where it will always be a always be a bracelet gold is not a ring in itself if it were it would always be a ring but in the bracelet in the ring in the necklace gold is in and through all of them it gives substance and reality and weight and mass to all of them in the same way the consciousness in all these states is none other than thorium thorium is different from them it's not the Waker why it's not the Waker when you fall asleep and you are the dreamer the Waker is gone gone means not in your experience anymore yet to liam is there when you go into deep sleep the Waker and the dreamer are gone it there's no wish for there's no treasure sites Prague gia and yet to diem is there so the Waker dream are in sleep at this cycle they come and go these breaking straight dream state and deep sleep state cycle they could comes and goes but Toria is the constant they are like shadows on the auditorium they come and go they are like a play of light and shadow the only reality in all three is to liam that is point number no.5 the first first the first point point was the will recap the second point was it is the knowledge of the fourth aspect which is what we are seeking for self-knowledge with the one which liberates not others because we have all we have these they don't liberate self-knowledge means this knowledge of the fourth that's why we had to go through this whole thing about one two three four waking dreaming deep sleep so that we can precisely define what Vedanta means by self-knowledge then the point number three was the misconception to be corrected the point number four was that the Torian is available is different from all three and yet available in and through all of them that was the fourth point the fifth point is the example fifth point is the necklace bracelet ring gold example which illustrates all of these things beautifully okay then point number six point number five was the example the golden ornaments example you always keep that in mind and try to apply it whenever you are confused you will see because if you understand the example well the gold relationship between gold and the ornaments well then you can understand this more or less if you come out quite well then point number six is this one one two three and four actually the tree are appearances and the fourth one alone is real again apply the golden ornaments example the ornaments are appearances what's real in them what do you waive anyway an ornament or a goldsmith face tournament what is he looking for this bracelet weighs so much so much he's not interested in the bracelet is interested in the gold constituting the weight of bracelet so the reality of the ornaments is the gold the substance of the ornaments is the gold you can say gold real ornaments appearances of what of gold turian real waker dreamer sleeper appearances of what - Liam how does it appear is Waker with gross name and form how does it appear is dreamer with subtle name and form how does it appear as sleeper with causal name and form what is causally meant form basically it's shutting down the the gross and subtle names and forms just switching it off potential from but basically you can see for symmetry causal name and far it is the same tour iam Turia real for three L one two three Maya and this is exactly what Shankar Acharya says when he starts his commentary on demand okok Erica he writes two verses and in the first verse the very first thing he says is the ultimate reality the ultimate reality is the fourth but he says the fourth is counting in Miya Miya Sankhya - Liam counting one two three appearances we are calling it the fourth but actually it is the one it is the one it is the rope this is the snake suppose some you're going in the darkness and you see who it is a snake there and somebody else says that no no it's a an old garland thrown away from the temple and somebody else says no no no there was an earthquake so it's a cold crack on the ground a crack in the ground a temple thrown away by a Garland thrown away by the temple or a snake none of them are real what is it really a rope three people mistook it in three ways now you can say the fourth one is is the rope but the fourth one is actually the only reality the first three snake garland crack in the earth are appearances names and forms in fact this is the classic example given in Vedanta Serpa mala boo Chitra Serpa means snake mala means garland bougie tree means crack on the surface of the earth all of them are appearances of what of one rope all three are appearances waker dreamer and sleeper and the wakers world and the dreamers world and the sleepers darkness are appearances of one reality so the fourth one is real the first three are false here itself is implicit the teaching that your samsara is false who has samsara Waker is samsara you have some sorry here you are because you are the Waker and dreamer also has some sorrow nightmares good dreams bad dreams samsara deep sleeper you a deep sleeper has no problem no samsara blank hmm no problems at all then you're in deep sleep any problems nothing you don't even have an individual identity there what to speak of an individual samsara no but in deep sleep the waking universe the dream universe are merged the seeds are there the seeds of samsara are there because you inevitably what happens you wake up into your waking world or your dream world so all three have problems samsara is there an implicit form in deep sleep in an explicit form in waking and dreaming but Turia no waking and dreaming and no some self beyond samsara so this this was the sixth point that the Torian is the real brahma satyam jagat mithya this is Jareth McTeer Jeeva you are what Brahma the fundamental teaching of vedanta brahman alone is real turian brahman same thing at mentorian Brahman same thing Brahman alone is real the world is an appearance and what about me where am I you seem to be here but you are actually this one yes yeah yeah it changes number one correct one reason is it changes another reason is it has no independent existence of its own it's then it's an appearance of the turian right look at the two examples I've used it's a clever observation two examples have used one is the same gold appearing as ornament whereas necklace as bracelet as ring the same rope appearing to somebody as a snake as a as a old Garland as a crack in the earth now you will see Garland crack in the earth and snake are absolutely false there had no existence of this just imagined the moment you see the rope as a rope they disappeared but on the other hand the bracelet if you see the bracelet as gold does the bracelet disappear you see the gold and the bracelet form and name and use remains right so which is it the bracelet the gold has been shaped into a bracelet that might be a doubt nobody shaped a rope into a snake it was a it was it was a mistake so now that shaping the gold into the bracelet or the necklace is not the point here forget that that can lead to confusion the only point here in the golden ornament example is whatever the name form and appearance of the and use of the ornament the reality is always one and the same gold whatever happens in the world waking dreaming and deep sleep the reality is always Turia in that sense in that sense story um is real and the world is an appearance secondarily of course it comes and goes there is a relation relation between coming and going and being false you see what is false which never existed but appeared what is false illusion falsity now we noticed one thing about falsity false it is not something that does not exist false it is something that does not exist but appears when we say somebody is telling a lie somebody is telling the truth and somebody is keeping silent these three are different things know when somebody is telling the lie the person is speaking there is something when somebody is not telling anything the silence there is nothing when somebody is telling a lie there is something but it's not a representation of the truth so telling a lie is not no speech at all it's false speech it appears to be something else it's a it's something else but appears to be something else now stay with this I'm showing you the difference between falsity and non-existence and reality reality non reality in between is falsity what is not reality turian the absolutely real what is non-existent say for example a square circle it never exists and nobody has ever experienced it what is falsity it says like the snake which appeared on a rope it doesn't exist there there is no such snake there but it appeared even for a moment right that's falsity false is telling something or showing something the reality to be other than what it is showing or presenting the reality to be other than what it is that's the definition of a lie isn't it so there must be a reality which appears as other than what it is that is called falsity okay we have a quick series of questions I'll come to you you had a question I mean everyone is Turia not a rope the Rope is an example yeah yes these falsity is an appearance the difference is an appearance oneness is the reality correct yes see means what sense all right let let me answer the question if I've understood you correctly let me answer the question again apply the bracelet necklace and ring example and gold example to this if you tell me these are all one they are all one thing called gold then I should be able to see them all as gold and yet after that I saw it it appears as a necklace necklace appears as a necklace a bracelet appears as a bracelet a ring appears as a ring but you can see that it's gold you will say you will insist you can see it's gold right yes with the eye of knowledge with the physical eyes what do you continue see necklaces necklace bracelet is bracelet ring as ring in the same way with the physical eyes you will still see men and women and all the 31 genders which New Yorker safe recognizes and you will see all the differences but with the eye of knowledge a vedantic knowledge eye and all of these artery 'm are the one consciousness in which all of these are appearing for practical purposes if you have eyes you will see forms various forms after realization will you see only one form know where it's mentioned like that Turia has no farm all palms are appearances so after enlightenment also we'll keep seeing the appearances but you know them to Victoria if you have years you will hear sound after enlightenment we'll all the sound merge into one hum no we will hear speech and music and everything so all differences will continue just like you see the differences of the the necklace ring and bracelet but you know it to be cold and it's not a conception when you know it to be gold is it a theory is it a some kind of abstraction is it philosophy no you see that's the reality in fact neck necklace bracelet and ring are less real than the gold itself yes that's why I'm using them you cannot put a good question you cannot put in properties to it you how do you conceptualize it the answer is it has true it has no properties and also true you cannot conceptualize it in fact we are going to read now one of the things we read was a chin tiem beyond conception then you will say you look puzzled you'll say if we cannot conceptualize it at all then how do we know it how do we understand it you are taking it for granted it has to be known or understood through the mind it is that which knows and understands the mind order illumines the mind the mind does not know it you see then we are helpless we are not helpless why are we not helpless because it's you yourself if it was something else beyond the mind XYZ beyond the mind and I say the mind cannot grasp it it is forever unknown to you but if it is you it is the one which illumines every act of knowledge of the mind without it no mind cannot do anything right so in all these ways we are helping you to begin to understand it but when you and understand it finally really really understand it it will be not through the mind then through what this is very difficult to put it Salaam Krishna put it in this way both hey both kana the self knowing itself it's not that the wakers mind will suddenly turn inwards and grasped plutonium no it's at aureum which illumines the wakers mind and the dream and the thorium is known in a flash of intuition there's no way other way of putting it if you want to put it in a little more clear way what we can do with all these exercises is to loosen your identification with the Waker in the waking world when you begin to realize I am NOT the Waker and not the waking world you begin to since all these words are wrong since understand thing but there's no other word we can't use it language was not meant for this language was meant for this right all of languages for this Wittgenstein said the limits of language of the limits of the universe very profound statement that's how it begins is Tractatus logico-philosophicus the limits of language of the limits of the universe it you cannot go beyond that's why you have to struggle in fact one of the words used in the seventh mantra it is beyond language we'll see and yet it can be done no problem it's pretty easy also actually yes I look at the question you I've heard your question very deeply I if you are you are saying so eg that I am the source of the universe but when the universe started I was not its source something else gave birth to it you're saying that which is the I which you're talking about this Waker this person what's your name Pankaj you're saying I Pankaj am the source of the universe but I've never said that ah okay stop now step by step you consciousness of the source of the universe then what did you say next when the universe was created I was not its source how do you know when the universe was created you mean when the universe was created Pankaj was not there I was not the source of the universe when the universe was created now you are speaking as Pankaj if you are speaking as to reom if you see it from turians point of view yes if you see what what lopunny should say is about tore IAM if you say i'm speaking a studium figuratively speaking because thorium doesn't speak so i am speaking at story m then you have to you have to take it up fully see what the open assured says what is to reham Turiya ms that in which the Waker in the vehicle's universe supply arise thorium is that in which the dreamer and dreamers universe are experienced material is that in with the sleeper and still emerged universe are experienced hmm the subject and the object the individual in the totality they are all experienced interim they have no existence apart from the thorium I will say I put it again use the gold and the ornaments example what you said was I as gold you are saying that I am the source of all the ornaments okay correct then you say but before I was created the bracelet how can I say I am the source of all the ornaments you are speaking some once as the gold and one says the bracelet I know what your questions but you be who where you sharpen it yes ah please answer now I am going to leave the questions to most of you those who have been coming regularly you can easily answer what is God in this scheme Ishwara where is God here the consciousness associated with the merged universe in deep sleep you know what is guardian in this scheme who are you in this scheme waked dreamer deep sleeper what is God in this scheme consciousness associated with the waking universe otherwise known as v-rod consciousness associated with the dream universe all the minds known as Hiranya garbha consciousness associated with the result state of the universe or otherwise known as maya Ishwara consciousness with maya Ishwara consciousness with subtle the totality of subtle universe Hiranya garbha consciousness associated with the totally totality of the physical universe Viraat that is the idea of God in Vedanta God is the totality and you were just Jeeva the other individual then you are interacting with God I worship God in all of that here Armando key is going far beyond God it might be sacrilegious to talk about that you might be shocked to hear about it but it proves what you are saying that I am God are one correct how the Waker and the waking universe are not one physically you are here and the universe is so vast how can you be one with the universe so you and God are not one in that sense but dismiss the Waker in the waking universe because they are appearance go back to the source pure consciousness God is none other than this and you are none other than this as Tory are you and God are one that's what the opening shot said I am Atma Brahma Brahman saguna brahman is the merge universe dream universe waking universe and koream is the reality behind saguna brahman okay I am Atma Brahma I am Atma means this self is one with Brahman the cosmic self how forget the individual forget the cosmic take the reality behind both last question before we start yes we have not started the mantra yet this is these we are on the sixth point yes yes yes yes all right first of all if it's an appearance the causation of the appearance is trivial do you see why you see that you're saying the causation of the appearance of the snake is interesting in one sense it might be interesting in the in the epistemology of illusion how it appears but it's not a real causation because it's not a real snake if the rope produced a real snake you would be all over it and trying to find out how did that happen but because it was an error you're not interested so that's one thing but the ocean and wave example is a nice way of understanding it your question wave ocean water what is wave the individual what is ocean God what is water Turia which is greater wave our ocean which is greater wave our ocean you don't seem confident ocean is greater definitely who is greater God or individual God far greater there's no question about that you see never confused this we are not saying that individual is God yeah we're not saying that Pankaj of self up Leon and there is God no that's what the Duellists you know they accused us of so what arrogance you are saying that I am God you little miserable creature born and dying in the next moment and using your God but a do it oh never says this individual being is God it dismisses the individuality of the individual dismisses the Kosma City of God and finds one absolute behind both of them that's what Advaita does who is greater option or wave ocean sure who is greater water or ocean water why the reason is without water the ocean cannot exist but the water can exist without the ocean can be evaporated going to a cloud it can exist in so many ways water can take many forms in fact the ocean is just the name and form of a mass of water the wave is just the name and form of a mass of water the wave and the ocean are one as water and remember when I say ocean and wave a little illusion a little problem might be created because the ocean has lots more water than any wave so you might think ok I am a wave so I have a lip I am water but little less water and ocean has lots more water but in the example fails at that point when you come to consciousness are condoms there is no more consciousness or less consciousness there is just one shining reality which true Maya can appear as the cosmic being called God which through an individual name and form can appear as the waked individual maker dreamer sleeper stop okay now we go to we still have not finished the seventh and eighth points easily done seventh and eighth points are very important but easily done we are segwaying into the mantra the seventh point is notice this it's a feature of our experience that we experience the world as subject and object pairs of nor and known pramatta premiere right in all the three states now of these pairs these two are called the effect karyam the Baker in baking universe dreamer and dream universe and this is called the cause deep sleeper and the sleep universe if you look at it from God's point of view that's why all religions call God because of the universe that from which the universe emerges that in which the universe exists that into which the universe disappears what is that not to reom it's God right so causal state is God and the effect state is the universe and in each state you find Waker and the knower and the known the knower and the known the Tauri 'm is apart from the knower and the known in each state and yet in and through the knower and the known we have we have touched upon this earlier so the Tauri 'm Trent now you I'm using two words transcendent imminent the Tauri 'm transcends the Waker in the waking universe like gold transcends the bracelet no turian transcends meat it can exist beyond so Tori M transcends the dreamer and the dream universe why only to Liam you the Baker transcend the dreamer in the dream universe you wake up into the waking world so the Tori M transcends the dreamer in the dream universe and the terrarium transcends the sleeper and the merged universe the terrarium is a transcendent reality the tour iam is a transcendent reality and the tour iam is also an imminent reality the tour iam is also an imminent reality it is in and through these imminent means existing breathin again take the gold example does the gold transcend the ornaments when you melt down the bracelet is gold destroyed is bracelet destroyed yes so bracelet goes away gold stays necklace comes gold stays necklace goes re melted gold stays ring is formed Gold is there now gold transcends the ornaments but is also in and through the ornaments what do you touch when you touch the necklace gold what do you touch when you touch the bracelet gold what do you weigh when you weigh the ring your ring gold you're not weighing a ring yvaine gold similarly so gold is imminent now this is a very interesting thing gold is beyond the ornaments and yet in and through the ornaments in technical philosophical term gold is transcendent to the ornaments yet imminent in the ornaments durian is transcendent through the to the other three states my other three aspects waking dreaming deep sleep and yet imminent in the three aspects in and through them okay - Liam transcends what not only the Waker dreamer and sleeper but transcends the waking universe dream universe and merged universe - Liam is not it's important to note Turia Miz not the Waker Turia Miz not the dreamer - Liam is not the deep sleeper turian is not the universe which you see so basically to put it this way - Liam is neither the nor nor the known an imminent transcendent means needed the knower not the known transcendence means that thorium is not the knower thorium is not something to be known also neither the known not the nor it seems to be nothing and yet it is the reality out of which the knower and the known are constituted it is in and through all of that he applied it sounds very mysterious apply the golden ornament example it will be as clear as day gold is not an ornament and yet all ornaments golden ornaments are nothing but good right so the point I wanted to make here was to Liam transcends pramatta premier knower and known and yet is imminent to no one unknown eight point before we start the mantra is this mantra itself can be divided on this basis can be divided into three parts the mantra itself can be divided into three parts which we will study now the first part of the mantra the first part of the mantra denies that to Liam is the Waker dreamer deep sleeper we have we want to know who the reality is the real sport aspect so the first part of the mantra says the fourth aspect Torian is not the Waker Vishwa is not the dreamer digestor is not the deep sleeper pradya first part in eyes that second part it deny second part of the mantra denies that Torian is any of the known things in this universe it's not what you - Liam is not what you can no not a not something you can see not something you can hear not something they can smell touch taste it's not something that can be revealed by speech it's not something that you can think about it's not something that you can infer so that's the second part of the mantra which denies to diem is premium knowable first part Parramatta no second part premium knowable no so this is the transcendent aspect of the tour iam it's beyond all of this the third part of the mantra concluding part is yet to reom is the reality of all of this it is in and through all of that there is a additional audit Onam is the ground of reality imminent thorium is so the first two parts of the this mantra we will see the first two parts are like this seventh month if you come to from non tough program to na program is the first part of the mantra which denies what to reom is not the Waker not the dreamer not the sleeper and then or any other intermediate stage of awareness because once in a while questions came aren't there other states also you know Samadhi coma or some trans some vision or simply in between sleeping and dreaming transitional States it will say that none of those two reom is none of them so it's none of these that's the first part from nom Nanta program up to now brag Geum then from the next line uh Tristram you see address term of java harem from a drisdom up to abjure potassium that long phrase is the second part of the mantra which denies that to diem is from am new able to liam is not a new able if three states are divided into noah renewable tool to diem is not an o'er is not a new able and the last part which is the most powerful part a cop the practice are Aman words up to south massive Ageha the third part it shows you thorium is imminent in all of this is quite apart from that then and yet in and through all of them imminent in Sanskrit adesh tanum pramatta premier via t ricktum in sanskrit pramatta premier vitae dictum other than the knower and the known pramatta premier edition ordinal and another way promote a tray of 80 dictum other than the three Knorr three nodes means three specs of the self Waker dreamer deep sleeper other than the three knowable universes remaining a triable victim breaking universe dream universe merge universe other than all of them and yet Ramat aprama atreya or dished on the ground of all knowers and no Abel's good now we are actually really set to understand the mantra and we can do it pretty fast the mantra goes like this so we have to memorize it in non tap regime the widespread game nowhere to Prem the pregnant Jana Gana mana pretty enough Radames rhythm of Java Hariyama grahyam election how much income of definition a god no practice are improper super shaman Shiva anthem ad vitam Chatham Mannion Tessa Atma so we gain yeah this is too real so now let's take it up one by one now you know what to expect what is to reom what is the fourth aspect of the self Joe - father turtle - father what is - Liam first na interpret Geum it is not the dreamer interpret young dreamer where consciousness is turned inwards it's the word used in the fifth mantra on top of the dreamer now by Hirschberg am consciousness turned outwards through the senses that means not the Waker now bharata program not any intermediary state of awareness this sometimes many times people ask this question why only waking dreaming and deep sleep why not turn transitional state why not Samadhi why not mystical states which which mistakes Ramakrishna says ma Kali so why not that with none of them demet - Liam so as an aside so you see then she was Ramakrishna and deluded denomination or not realised studium remember when Ramakrishna see is Karli what is Kali it is Turia malone with the name and form of kali what are you seeing here it is Turia malone in the name and form of Vedanta Society so yes Ramakrishna did see to him but when the question of seeing something comes name and farmer already there it might be a worldly name and form like ours or it might be divine name and form which exceptional mystics have experiences but what they are saying is something beyond worldliness and mysticism here this banan technologist is our is the literally the absolute that which appears in all these forms so one extreme vedantists can be shocking you asked but what Swami are you saying that Ramakrishna did not see God did not see the aah be careful what are you saying seeing God yes you can see God but did he not see to reom did you say see if you see then there's no three huh whatever you have seen is seen is not a pencil if it's seen it is 3m plus name and form through the filter of a name and from from a perspective yes hearing is Maya smelling touching all of it is Maya thinking is Maya all of that ok can you saw all of this we are doing is my or not yet that was the question here correct this is also Maya then well then what Maya has two is two aspects with Dia Maya with dr maya of india Maya is that which traps you in samsara with dr maya is that which it releases you from samsara sri ramakrishna in self set it is the Divine Mother alone who engages us in this play of samsara and if you really want liberation it's a divine mother alone who will give you liberation Brahman dorium will not give you liberation to DM is totally useless it does not trap you in samsara it does not give you liberation also right now right now iam is completely present right now is it helping you know and strapping you in samsara it helps you through with the Amaya which is belong to society so here you are Nova at approach jump o Bharata means duel no intermediate stage no extraordinary stage nopprage on aghanim what is Pradhan aghanim it is the term used for deep sleeper you are not the sleep turian is not the sleeper not bragging here the word program means the awareness of no priam not per diem per diem means not the awareness the knowledge of Ishwara of God the all-knowing omniscient so is it an omniscient awareness not that also that's the awareness of Ishwara Turia is not issuing I mean ultimately so now plug Jim it is not the awareness or omniscient awareness of Ishwara that's why I said it's a bad translation then somebody will say oh it is not waking awareness it's not dream awareness it's not deep sleep it's not intermediary state it's not the all-knowing awareness of God it must be a stock on a stone or a piece of chalk or some you know like no I have nice meaning that in that case to you means no awareness at all is that what you mean he said nah a problem not no awareness either soon iam do you think it's Union not shown em either if you say gold say an example gold is not the bracelet oh it must be the ring it's not during it must be the necklace it's not the necklace so gold is nothing not nothing it is all in fact it's the only reality issue arise like necklace ring and bracelet all together the whole jewelry set that must be gold no not even that you're misunderstood that is the transcendent aspect of gold it is true that gold is there in all of them but first the transcendent aspect of God Gold so none of the Nerds are what in whatever way you conceive knowing none of it is to him this is the neti neti phase not this not this first not this is it's not the knower the second not this will be it's not the knowable also nothing that you can know so it's not me but it's this no let's take it up the second stage other ystem address term means invisible invisible - what invisible to your eyes you can't see it invisible and as I said all the Mystics who saw God as Krishna or Christ or Kaali they saw the Torian but with a name and form we are seeing torreĆ³n with worldly names and forms they saw thorium with a divine name and form that's the difference and it's a big difference no doubt uh Tristram you can't see it smell it touch it taste it hear it I heard the voice of God mystics say I heard the voice of God yes that's the voice of God it's not too real that's still not the absolute truth you are an individual experiencing either a delusion or actually you may want to be those rare prophets to who have actually mystical experience the voice of God but even that is way below what we are discussing here now uh Tristram next it says Aviva hariom but before that we will do our I him before I observe a harem agrio Megrahi means ungraspable ungraspable by what by motor organs since organs cannot grasp it motor organs ok can I go to - Liam if I go on a pilgrimage to Banaras or Brindavan or McCaw or Jerusalem can I go to - Liam or we run to society can I go to - Liam no you can't walk tutorial can I hold you know hold on to the feet of the Lord we see in rock titre dishes hold on to the feet of the Lord so can I hold on to the material no feet for you to hold on to you cannot hold on hands cannot grasp it feet cannot walk to it so these motor organs cannot grasp - Liam sense organs cannot grasp - your motor organs cannot gas - you up the AHA diem no transaction is possible you cannot use - Liam for anything I can pray to God and God will fulfill my desires can I pray - thorium's - Liam sounds like a pretty nifty guy can I pray tutorial to fulfill my desires nothing you won't get a thing out of - Liam completely unconcerned if you want to pray remember who prays the individual prays the Waker or maybe the dreamer the individual no workplace - praise to the totality individual Jeeva praise to God Shiva praise to Allah individual praise to God so you pray to God but the individual and God are none other than tutorial from torian's perspective there is nobody to pray nobody to pray to and nothing to pray for you are the reality of everything what will you pray for you are in once you realize your to reom you know nothing in the universe is apart from you the story of the princess of Kashi by the way I saw on YouTube somebody has to that taken the story of the princess of Kashi and put classical music in the background and so are you doing all sorts of things whether the Buddha had the bad gap and bad gap Buddha at the gas pump interview is now online I saw today so you can check it out it's interesting it was a two-hour interview supposed to be for one hour went on for two hours Buddha at the gas pump so they interview it's Rick Archer he interviews earlier it was spiritually awakened people so that rules me out but then then he relaxed the standards to spiritually awakening people and said okay I can live with that everybody spiritually awakening anyway so and so he interviews people and they have interviewed many spiritual teachers I think largely you will see on the website so they emailed and said we want to interview we did that interview a couple of weeks ago so one hour it stretch to two hours try to look at it in the YouTube channel yeah Buddha at the gas pump or is just a bad gap ba t GA p bad gap it's pretty well-known actually agraja m-- you are given an action can be done where Mahara means transaction use can I use thorium can I use to Liam to defeat my enemies no way your enemies are also too real can I use thorium to play the stock market no way we not lose it's the same to here so up the of a harem that's why one of my teachers used to say thorium is the most used literally abdomen area means useless so it there's no use but you remember use is always in ignorance all usage is in ignorance up the other hard iam then it says next one other which term up Jia Bahama grahyam Alex Onam what did its body did say it says Alex Onam it is uninfluenced inference you can't see it but you infer it most of science is inference you do an experiment you get the data from that you infer you know some understanding right so sometimes because of the movement some some planets another planet was detected eating for it you can't see it but you infer it most of Medicine when the doctor looks at your pathology reports the doctor in first on the basis of that data this say the liver of the heart is malfunctioning the doctor is not directly seeing it malfunctioning on the basis of data inference often it's on very deep scientific experiments are often the basis of masses of statistical data so you infer something the classic example they give in Vedanta urn in Indian philosophy is Parbat oven diamond who Mart there is fire on the mountaintop because I see smoke the fire engine start you know will see smoke because smoke indicates fire you have not seen the fire yet but by the presence of smoke you infer fire because you have established a link between smoke and fire inferential coupling there is no inferential coupling possible in fact luck Sharna means inferential coupling that's the exact meaning of luck sonim know inferential coupling possible for thorium you can't see anything and then infer thorium so Alex Onam then can you think about it in some way conceive of it tinium that which is not a subject or not an object to any sense organ any motor organ that which you cannot infer or deduce in any way you can't think about it also it's beyond thought argenteum can you at least use language to designate it can you use language to designate it AB deposition the next word revelation means naming it cannot be named why can it not be named I mentioned this earlier but in the at the beginning of this mantra the introductory bashyam commentary written by Shankar Acharya he gives you the reasons why language cannot be used to describe to them why not after all you're using the word turian Atma Brahma so why are you saying that language cannot be used I have mentioned earlier Shankar Acharya says that how does language function language requires five things to function five things to function any one of these five is enough for language to function what are they IATI guna kriya sambandha Rudi what are they class or species category Shankar Acharya says you identify this animal as a cow because you are aware of the class characteristics of the animals called cows the species characteristics you identify it won't work for Tory Ahmad Brahman because there is no class of Brahmins there's only one realities and one non dual reality so there's no class characteristic not even a superclass God is like a superclass but this is beyond any class so it won't work guna quality the yellow flower the red flower you using the quality the the decaf are caffeinated you're using the quality some property but Brahman is near gunam no quality so you cannot you cannot use a property or quality to designate Brahman then Korea function call the driver of that vehicle is blocking my exit how are you designating that person among so many persons driver activity Brahman is no activity laziest of all things an itch cream action less so no activity cannot be used to designate Brahman then relation for example use you sometimes guru teacher father a father is a father only because he's got sons or daughters with relation to something he becomes a father or a teacher a relation always requires two or more terms but brandman is non dual with what will it have a relationship so relation is also not possible the final possibility of using language is called convention or Rudy normally how you use language I say that person is called Jack why is it a class is it equality is it an action is it a relationship no no none of them we just name this person jack so can't we name it drumlin Atman Torian no that will also not work why because designation naming requires pointing out if I say that person is Jack what will your question be which person unless I point out that person it won't work you will not learn anything new so in the same way yes yes that is true it that means it is eminent in all of them eminent in all of them string that name but what about the name how will you give a name unless you point it out but to Liam you cannot point it out you can't see it smell it touch it you can't think about it conceive of it how are you going to point it out point out if I said if I say Jack actor I can point out jack but if I say to Liam where nobody can point it out to you so that will also not work the conventional designation Rudy means conventional designation the five ways of using language class quality action conventional designation none of them work for thorium or Brahmin hence unnameable beyond language every day in the evening we sing just now at 6:30 we will sing no more namo Prabhavati amana theater salutations to you lord who are beyond mind and speech this is the philosophy behind it what I'm just saying now so AB deposition that is the second part of the mantra which denies that it is a new able so neither known nor nor known neither know nor not knowable not pramatta not premiere transcendent this is called transcendent aspect of Torreya now we have yeah I come to you so we don't have time to complete the last part which is the eminent aspect like you said this string that connects all pearls the reality that runs through everything giving everything reality and light so that one we will see next time okay that's enough for today question so that's your question just Toria have a purpose in creating and projecting all of this remember the last class oh you should catch up that was the question that was debated in the last class in the Caritas of God a father he says why does this one have to appear in all these ways and he considers so many theories I think half a dozen theories were considered until he came to the final his own conclusion he even considers the Maya theory of advaitha and he goes a step beyond that he says as you said it is true that or iam just is and these appearances are part of being just is after iam there is no reason behind it there is no cause behind it why there is no cause behind it why can you not ask why do you remember long talk about this what's wrong with asking why to put it precise do you think about it later and catch up on the recording why is it wrong to ask why we're kinda says this question what you asked this question itself is wrong why is this question wrong if you ask then there will be what we discussed last time what are you asking when you ask why when you ask why what sort of answer will satisfy you you're asking for a cause like you say why is the ground wet because there's no melted why did the snow MIT because the Sun shone like that so you're at you asking why you need an answer which is a cause but cause will work only in causation which is here what is cause here the deep sleep state this one is causal state what is effect this universe but this is beyond cause and effect this is beyond causation do you remember the discussion of Maya we had Maya is time space and causation right if you say beyond Maya if you say it's like saying beyond time and if you ask a question that when did time big begin you can't ask that question because when is a time question only when you accept time then you can ask when before after but before time began meaningless question because because before and after accepting what is outside space if you ask meaningless question because outside and inside our space questions similarly why causation is a meaningless question because why is a question that is useful only when causation is accepted so beyond my arc you are asking this is within causation this is the cause these are the effects but beyond causation you can't ask why okay one more question was there here yes describe yes no it's not because we have different conceptions that's why we think of ourselves as somewhere here what it is trying to do is look what it did it denied all conceptions right now so we need to step out of all consciousness into rial all conceptions into the non conceptual reality why is that possible because you are the non conceptual reality you'll see it as possible in fact the next thing which will happen the practice with the help of ohm will help you to understand this that's the whole purpose of that own practice so different again conceptions are useful but what this mantra is doing the first part of the month and the second part of the mantra is deconstructing all conceptions whatever you can conceive of is either an o1 or unknown and it denies the two liam is any of them you drop that we will see we will try a little exercise now you see and see where it leads us last question then yes the changeless basis correct it loosens the whole in fact in Shankar Acharya zone language she Tilly karate it loosens the bond of samsara the very first effect will be it loosens its grasp on you you can you cannot know it as this Baker knows the way no no one knows the known you cannot know it like that we will see how we are we are seeing we don't we're in the process you do not know it as an object but you are you are it you are it you are that that you know yourself what will happen is when you say I when you say I right now it refers to this what mon Dieu coupon is sure then mon Dieu cake Erica and Vedanta doing is it makes you shift this I to that this I you will say it in the mind only but what does it mean when I say pen and I say pen it means this when I say I what does it mean normally it means this and they're all suffering starts normally it means this it will shift first it gives you sets up this idea of thorium in your mind pushes your reference of the eye back to that then from that perspective you see the whole panorama nisargadatta said to a galley all his entertainment health is entertainment being sick and dying of cancer in Mount Sinai is entertainment all really all of that will be entertainment because all of that are here when you look back it's for example right now when you look back from this perspective on your dream world isn't it entertainment exactly like that your attitude will be to everything in this universe it's cool yes that's why we are we are attempting all of this alright let's stop here we'll pick it up next time again a little exercise now you it'll all begin to make sense please sit relaxed stretch a little if you want to you're feeling stiff [Music] this world which you are seeing is your waking world see it properly the last time you're going to see it this is the waking world this is the waking noir this body this person establish yourself nicely in it Baker and the Baker's universe close your eyes drop the Waker and the Baker's universe you do not see anything time being just listen to me but otherwise don't you're not hearing anything smelling anything tasting anything touching anything and no external awareness world disappears from you except the faint sense of the body just imagine that there's nothing else outside that no world no houses cars or parking no relatives or no mortgage or no no job no body to take care of also thoughts memories desires this is your dream universe the subtle aspect of the self drop that dive into a deep nothingness blank no thoughts if any thoughts arise drop them immediately your only reaction should be to calmly dropped no memories don't even remember what your name is no happiness no misery no feelings the blankness that is the causal state deep sleep state absolute blank now drop that blankness Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] slowly when you're comfortable you can open your eyes it's not supposed to be done that fast it should be done over a period of 20 to 30 minutes at least but the point is this we are aware of sensations see hear smell touch heat and light cold drop that and retreat into the world of thoughts ideas memories stop that retreat into the world of complete silence and stillness drop tattles language cannot take it any further but you are still there that one the beauty is its present now also in you Arabic looking at me going to go about your business of life you are that one imagine the tremendous peace and joy and freedom of that one that you are I am Atmaram that's what we read this very self is that consciousness to reom all right we shall do the third part of this seventh mantra the eminent by the way Swami Vivekananda his light lucid way he explains Vedanta he says the Hindus worship a transcendent eminent God no explanation this leaves it at that this whole class and the next one will be an explanation of that little statement the Hindus worship a transcendent eminent God very interesting a lot of philosophy behind it if you emphasize if you overemphasize the transcendence you end up with the problems that the Abrahamic religions have Lord is beyond everything that's why in Christianity you see there is an aspect of imminence but the connection between imminence and transcendence is very problematic and Islamic leads to violence if anybody tries to say somehow God is present in anything that's wrong and yet if God is completely transcendent then we have no way of contacting this God knowing or contacting or experiencing this God on the other hand if you over stress eminence that God is is all this little lead to pantheism that this is God no God this if this is God tables and chairs our God as it as such it does you no good then why call it God just call it the universe Spinoza pantheism Spinoza this universe is God of course that's an injustice to Spinoza if you read Westerners that carefully he is actually speaking about transcendental manage in fact if you go to the depth of all the religions Judaism Christianity Islam and of course Vedanta if you see what they're trying to say with this perspective you will see that they are all speaking about this a transcendent imminent God only the philosophical structure is not there to express it in Sufism for example they are speaking about this only but it's a mystical poetical approach but they don't have the philosophical structure the clean logical step-by-step to take you there so at the heart of everything there's a book David Bentley Hart the experience of God knowing being and bliss sat-chit-ananda he is a Christian theologian Eastern Orthodox Church the experience of God David Bentley Hart and the names of the chapters are such chit Ananda and he says I've taken it from the valent of India but he says basically this is the conclusion of all the great religious traditions of humanity it's just expressed so powerfully and clearly in other traditions it has been marginalized it has been pushed to the margins persecuted sometimes ignored but now it's being rediscovered everywhere in Hinduism it has been mainstream and nobody marginalized it or in it next time you